
Custom scripts such events, quests, or mini games.
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Kafra Storage Password
Collect items for Base, Job, and Guild EXP and obtain WoE Potions
Kafra Storage Password
This script & source modification will prompt storage password when player attempts to open storage.

Preview: Kafra Storage Password - rAthena
Kafra Storage Password
Guild Bounty Board
A mini quest for player to collect items for Base, Job, and Guild EXP and obtain WoE Potions.

Preview: Guild Bounty Board
Collect items for Base, Job, and Guild EXP and obtain WoE Potions
By using @security, your account is safe from unwanted transactions. When this feature is enabled, you cannot sell or buy item from NPC, cannot make a trade with other players, cannot drop item, and many more!

Pewview: @security - Prevent account transaction - rAthena
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